Persistent Prayer

by Fran Hildabrand

Waiting—I find this to be one of the hardest places in which to live. My deep desire longs to complete things now, to accomplish a task, to arrive at a destination, to live in fulfilled relationships. None of that comes instantaneously or without commitment.

During this season of my life, I find myself waiting for God to answer a heartfelt prayer—one that seems so painful at times I feel that I may be crushed under its weight. Then I remember just as in the Parable of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8), God hears me, cares for me, and will answer me. “Always pray and not give up” (v. 1).

Looking to the widow’s example and trying to imagine her heartache and disappointment as she daily asked for help, I am encouraged to be unwavering and focused in my prayers. Telling the desires of my heart to Jesus, I am dedicated and determined as I wait. Just as the widow reached out and persistently let her desires be made known, I will do the same.

Be persistent in your prayers. God never tires of hearing your voice and the desires of your heart. Just as the widow kept coming before and pleading to her earthly authority, we are to continually come before our Ultimate Authority who loves us and knows what is for our best more than we can ever comprehend.

As I am persistently praying and waiting on God, I will be faithfully committed to the One who is faithfully committed to me. God is good in all circumstances and provides blessings beyond measure (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17). Finding joy in things that I have overlooked or taken for granted in the past, I see clearly that more is required of Him and less of me (Psalm 40:5). It’s about God and His desires and where He is leading; He graciously gives us opportunity to join in and experience overwhelming satisfaction as we actively follow and obey Him. He knows where each of us is headed and is never surprised—so trust Him (Jeremiah 29:11). Let go of yourself and let Him lead.

As we all are living in a time when our daily lives have evolved into a list of restricted or guarded interactions and limited activities due to the concerns surrounding the pandemic, it gives each of us a chance to pause and reflect on what is important, how we spend our time, and who matters most. We are all waiting on something. Don’t idly sit by wondering or worrying about what will come next or feeling hopeless in your situation. Pray! Persistently pray for the desires of your heart (Psalm 21:2). God cares. He hears. He will answer.

What season of life are you in? What are the desires of your heart? Are you persistently praying to God about them? Don’t be distracted. Remember the persistent widow. Have a daily determination to call on your Lord and trust Him with your deepest, most intimate desires.

Today’s post was written by my good friend and prayer warrior, Fran Hildabrand. We have called on God together through the Moms In Prayer ministry for over 10 years. 



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