“No Prayer, No Power”

My daughter, Carol, called and asked me to come over. I found her sitting on her porch glowing. She blurted out, “I’m pregnant.”

While I waited for baby Anne, my second grandchild, to arrive, I decided to update my will. It hadn’t been easy to determine in the original will what gifts I would give each family member and Bo, my first grandchild.

Have you ever wondered what to leave in a will for your family?

In my quiet time with the Lord, I pondered the gifts and treasures God gives us. He gave us His instruction book on life—the Bible, our God-given talents, and Jesus, who made a way for us to have eternal life.

I prayed for wisdom as to what meaningful gifts or treasures to leave my grandchildren. Memories flooded back to a time Bo and I overheard someone in the church say: “Much prayer, much power. Little prayer, little power. No prayer, no power.” That night, Bo took a bite of his dinner roll before we said the blessing. I cleared my throat and said, “No prayer, no power.” After that comment, Bo asked me to pray for him on other occasions like when he didn’t feel well or he had a problem. Our prayer times reminded us to put God first and trust Him with all things.

One Sunday Bo asked if we could go to an early afternoon movie. I slapped a few sandwiches together and told him to eat fast. After I inhaled half my lunch, Bo waved his index finger and said, “Grandmother, you forgot to say the blessing. No prayer, no power.”

I sat there with food in my mouth and a lump in my throat. This precious child associates me with prayer.

For months, I had debated whether to leave my grandchildren material wealth or a spectacular vacation. Yes, money can help others, but praying for my grandchildren and teaching them to have a heart for prayer is more important. Prayer has the power to change things in the present and long after we depart from this life. Prayer is the most valuable treasure I could leave my family.

When and how do you pray with your children or grandchildren? What treasures do you plan to leave your family?


Linda Ray Center is a writer friend and author. You can connect with Linda at  www.lindaraycenter.com or purchase her children’s book, Crystal Discovers The Glow on amazon at https://amzn.com/169232487X.


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