Make a Gratitude Jar

In two days, the holiday season is thrust upon us. Yikes! Before we leap to Christmas, let’s tarry this Thanksgiving season. Why not foster a grateful heart for the whole month of November instead of in one day?

A prayer jar is a simple and intentional way to remind your child (and us) to stay thankful daily.

Like us, children are self-absorbed and tend to think only about themselves. Use this activity to inspire your children to think about others and God.

Supplies needed:

Clean container. (I used a glass pickle jar, a shorter jar works better with the jumbo craft sticks.)
sticker (I bought mine at the local craft store.)
large craft sticks
ribbon or raffia

Optional materials (if you want to be more crafty):

Sharpie oil-based paint marker (adheres longer)
scrapbook paper
Mod Podge

Prepare your jar

Print Categories of people, places, and things to be thankful for on the craft sticks.

Here are a few to get you started:
names of each member of your family
church family
school (friend, principal, teacher, staff)
extended family
community workers (police, fire, postal)
medical professionals
answered prayers
God’s activity or presence

How to use the jar

Every night at dinner, pick a child to choose a stick. Pass the stick around and direct each person to say something he or she is thankful for related to the word(s) on the stick. Ask questions to guide your child on why they are thankful for this person.

Or pass the jar around, and each person can pick a stick.

If you have older children, place the empty jar on the table with blank strips of paper nearby. During November, encourage your pre-teen or teenager to look for events and people to be thankful for, then guide them to print a reminder on the paper and place it in the jar. On Thanksgiving Day, read through all the papers.

Click the link below to check out my Pinterest page for more ideas on decorating and using prayer jars.

Give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 CSB

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