Encouragement for the Weary Mama

Oh, weary mama. What a year. You deserve a medal or flowers or breakfast in bed. You have worn so many hats this year. Which hat would you like to take off? If Jesus were standing next to you, what hat would he put on you?
I think He’d put on a hat that says B-L-E-S-S-E-D in bold letters. Beautiful. Do you ever wonder if you are accomplishing anything worthwhile in your day? While children clamber for your attention, you are on mission for God in your home. It’s your beautiful feet (Romans 10:15) that bring the good news of Jesus to your child. (Don’t be judging those unpolished toes right now.) In another passage, the psalmist says, “How lovely is your dwelling place” (Psalm 84:1 CSB). If you belong to Christ, the Spirit of God dwells in you—you are the beautiful dwelling place. You are beautiful. Lavished. God is a God of abundance. He lavishes us with all wisdom and understanding (Ephesians 1:8). We receive grace after grace from His fullness (John 1:16). He generously supplies the wisdom we need (James 1:5). Just this morning, I read in Psalm 145 of His extravagance in the phrases “abundant goodness” and “abounding in steadfast love.” Your Father lavishes you with his gifts of grace, goodness, love, and understanding. You are lavished on. Everything you need is provided. Did you stay up all night with your newborn or a sick child? God gives you strength for the next thing. Is your child about to undergo a heart procedure? His Spirit will settle your soul and give you peace. Are you lonely and in need of adult conversation? He will send you a friend. Did you lose your temper today? He will give you the patience to walk through the trying time. Is your bank account overdrawn? God will provide. You have everything you need in Christ. Spoken over. After each day of creation, God saw his work as “good.” But when he created man (and woman), he saw his work as “very good.” Many years ago, I received a birth announcement from a friend reciting Psalm 139:14 (CSB): I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well. Yes, those words were for my friend’s newborn, but this mama clutched that truth back then and still does. You are spoken over. Strong. Paul said, “When I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). But how do we become strong when we are weak? The source of strength resides in us (2 Corinthians 4:7). The work of the Spirit is magnificently displayed when we are weak. Whether we are pressured by mommy demands, crushed because of our prodigal, or perplexed by our child’s decisions, we are not destroyed. Rather, we are strengthened by who is in us. Let’s admit our flaws and weaknesses to God and ask for his power. You are strong. Encircled. Psalm 139:2-5 (CSB) says, You know when I sit down and when I stand up; you understand my thoughts from far away. You observe my travels and my rest; you are aware of all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue, you know all about it, Lord. You have encircled me. You can’t escape His presence. He hems you in. He goes before you and is your rear guard. He sends angels to protect you. His faithfulness is like a protective shield. When fear grips you, remember you are under the protection and shadow of your heavenly Father. You are encircled. Delighted in. God spoke over His Son, “You are my beloved Son. I take delight in You!” (Mark 1:11). In Jesus’ prayer for all believers, he says, “May they be one as we are one. May they know you have loved them as you have loved me” (John 17:22-23). God loves and delights in us as he loves and delights in His own Son. Whoa. Mama, you are BLESSED.

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